This is actually the rear of the Cathedral and, in my mind, the more attractive view thanks to the green, green grass and blooming bushes and flowers. The front is set on the street and thus, while equally elaborate in design, is much more gray.
I hope it's not just me, but when we visit Cathedral after Cathedral, I have a tendency to become a little blase and begin to take this beautiful and intricate artwork for granted. I know there will be more tomorrow or even later today, and forget to appreciate the details. I lost my "live in the moment" intention for a little bit this morning.
Ah--but not here. I loved this secluded and tiny cloister (Chester Cathedral was once a Benedictine Monastery) with its magnificent sculpture (only a little of which is in the photo). I may have spent nearly as much time here among the green, as wandering through the Cathedral itself. With this kind of atmosphere, I could become contemplative! Maybe.
An unexpected highlight today was lunch in the Cathedral Refectory. Being a Good Catholic Girl, I'm all about an historic refectory--complete with detailed ceiling, stained glass windows, and a stone pulpit built into the wall for the monk who read scripture while the others ate their daily repast...which, no doubt, wasn't nearly as good or generous as ours. And, we didn't have to eat in silence as I had feared.
We're off now for a bit of a walk around Chester--literally, as we're walking on Chester's Roman walls gaining access to views of some very posh gardens. We visited "The Rows"--two storied shopping arcades, and the Roman ampitheatre which is still being unearthed.
This house (besides being a bit unfocused) is special for the reason that its owner-family was untouched by the plague back in the day. Everyone here survived--Thus the writing below the window.
It's late afternoon and we're walking along the canal back to the hotel with Peter--we, being the non-shopping group who are ready to put our feet up with a half-pint. As I mentioned in the beginning, it's nice to have a low-key--but beautiful--day every now and then. We'll be raring to go by tomorrow.