

I love to write.  Writing makes my soul sing, my spirits lift and my energy soar...even as the coffee on my desk grows cold.  Fortunately, I've lived long enough to see a platform--Google's Blogspot--blossom just in time for me to make a fool of myself before I "shuffle off this mortal coil."  My mother was about my age when she came to the conclusion that she could say anything she "damned well pleased" because people would simply attribute it to her age. Now it's my turn.

I'm aware that loving to write and writing well are two different things.  However, I try not to let that stop me.  My Life Coach is quick to remind me that:  "It's not perfection, it's progress."  Oh, Lord, I'm hoping now he wasn't saying, "It's progress, not perfection?"  I may have to check on that, come back and edit.  So much easier, though, on a computer than the old typewriter with its layers of carbon paper.

In all honesty, I have been blogging since 2010 at "Travels with BC, et al" on BlogSpot, with some mixed success.  I'll be bringing many of those posts to The Aging Generalist after I curate them.  I love the word "curate".  It makes me feel so artistically intellectual, as if I know way more about what you want or need than you do.  Obviously, I don't have a clue, but (thanks to my intellectual mother) I can sometimes sound like I do.  I'm moving from "Travels with..." because it's time.  If I weren't so old, I would accomplish the same thing by selling the house and finding a new neighborhood which, frankly, is one of my favorite things to do.  But that game has just gotten too complicated.

For starters, The Aging Generalist will post every Monday, Wednesday and Friday unless something better comes along and I get distracted.  Actually, that can happen between the bedroom and the kitchen on any given morning and I never find my way back to the beginning.  Look for "Recommended Reads" on Monday and "Travel--Great to Gawd Awful" on Friday.  Wednesday will be up for grabs, and will post as "Wildcard Wednesday" per my son's suggestion.  We'll hang on to that until something better comes along.

Please come back whenever you're in the mood, and do not fear nor ignore the "Comment" section below.  I would love to begin a conversation with you.  Nice comments are good, but I'm up for corrections and criticisms if you must.  And there will, no doubt, be times when you must.  If you have problems with the comment area, please let me know.  Commenting on "Travels With..." was apparently the pits. I'm hoping this style is better.

For now, then, take care.  Oh--if you subscribe to The Aging Generalist you won't have to waste any time checking to see if I've done my job.  Notice of a new post will  pop right into your e-mailbox.  Until then...



  1. Love the new blog. It sounds like a perfect plan so I am going to subscribe and can't wait to see more! In the meantime, I will continue to actually move houses (wonder where I got that from...?!) as it looks like I have a few more years to go with that. Love you and your blog!

  2. Mickie--Thank you for being the very first comment-er on The Generalist. And, yes, I'm going to live vicariously through your next move...as long as you're not expecting Jackson and me to accomplish it while you're in California. Thanks!!!

  3. Glad to meet another who enjoys blogging, age-related topics, reading and Nancy Drew, the original series, among other things.


    1. It is a joy to meet other bloggers of like mind...and age. Thank you so much for your comment. I've just subscribed to your blog--it's lovely. Margie
