A few weeks ago, a friend lent me a book she'd recently purchased, Wise Women. Sub-titled "A Celebration of Their Insights, Courage and Beauty," this book of photographs is all that and more. The heavy, smooth, matte-finished paper is a tactile pleasure, while the varying shades of sepia used throughout create warmth and comfort as we discover these womens' worlds. Did I mention the "wise women" are all between the ages of 65 and 100? And, in this book 100 looks surprisingly good.
Wise Women opens with Zelda Kaplan, aged 85, bright, erect, head held high, who begins her story by sharing: "I used to dance a lot, but unfortunately, all my partners are dead." Age and Stage at its worst threatens to defeat us, but it doesn't win every time. Not by a long shot. We're strong creatures, and if we can't dance, we can always choose to wear hats that make people smile. Just like Zelda explains.
Gloria Steinem caught my attention when she wrote: "Many of us are living out the unlived lives of our mothers, because they were not able to become the unique people they were born to be..." Steinem, a pioneer of the women's movement to the nth degree, no doubt believed what she said that day. I wonder now if my mother felt unable to be the person she was born to be. I don't think for a minute I'm living out her ambitions. If she dreamed at all, she didn't share it with us, and I'm convinced anything she might have considered would be way beyond my meager accomplishments. However, I'm definitely planning to spend more time with Steinem's comment.
Christine Lee, at 67, realizing how swiftly the days fly by, offered advice: "If you wake up in the morning and you have a choice between doing the laundry and taking a walk in the park, go for the walk. You'd hate to die and realize you had spent your last day doing the laundry." Amen to that, but in my heart of hearts, I know that if someone told me I would die tomorrow, I'd be hard pressed not to clean house all night.
Sadly, this book carries a copyright of 2002 and many of these wonderful ladies aren't with us any more. But their thoughts remain. I've only given you a bare taste because I don't want to spoil the feast that awaits when you have a chance to pick up Wise Women. And, when you do, I would recommend a wonderfully rich latte or a full-bodied Cabernet as an accompaniment.. It's that kind of thoughtful experience.
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